Needless to say, your vehicle’s braking system is among the most important safety features on your automobile. You don’t need to know much about Newton’s Laws of Motion to realize that a vehicle in motion will continue forward unless you take action to slow and then stop it.
That’s where brakes come in. Like tires and oil, your brakes are crucial components of your vehicle that will eventually wear down due to ordinary use. You depend on reliable brakes for the safety and security of yourself and your family. So don’t take chances with off-brand, re-built, or otherwise inferior brakes. Come to your local Western Pennsylvania Toyota ServiceCenter and we’ll inspect your car’s braking system, and repair or replace any necessary parts. Whether its brake pads, calipers, rotors, drums or shoes, we use only Genuine Toyota parts for maximum durability, reliability, and safety.
Visit your local Toyota dealer, or find a dealer/service provider near you, by visiting our interactive map of Western Pennsylvania Toyota dealers. Keep your Toyota a Toyota, with Genuine Toyota parts and service. And remember, there’s more to an effective braking system than mere brake pads. The system also consists of the power brake pump, brake fluid, mechanical parts, and even your tires.
That’s right. Tires are an important, often-overlooked aspect of an effective braking system. Worn tires can endanger your ability to stop within a minimal distance. While you’re having your brakes inspected or repaired, ask your technician to check the tire tread depth of your tires, too.